Fantasy League! Create Your Dream Team

The VTB United League is excited to present the 5th season of the Fantasy League. Don't miss your chance to be part of the action!
Manage your own team of VTB United League stars, prove you know your stuff, and win awesome prizes. A trip to the VTB United League finals is at stake, as well as valuable prizes and merchandise from the league, including a basketball autographed by each member of this season's championship team.
How to play
Register on www.basketvoice.com and select "VTB United League" as your competition.
Create a team using your virtual budget. Your goal is to sign players that will earn you the maximum number of points during the VTB United League regular season. You can buy and sell players throughout the season to improve your Fantasy League team. Your success depends on how well your players do in the actual games on the court.
For helpful advice and more information on the rules, please visit: http://www.basketvoice.com/index/standart/text/manual/lang/en
The contest winner will receive an official league basketball autographed by each player on the 2015-16 VTB United League championship team.
But that’s not all! The top three contestants in the Fantasy League at the end of the regular season receive an all-expenses paid trip to the playoff finals for their chance to win an incredible grand prize. They'll be competing against the top five finishers in the Prediction Contest.
Note that Natalia Glynchiak (Ukraine) won the contest last year, having received a Samsung Galaxy Tab as well as a 2000-litres Lukoil voucher. The other participants of the final round among which are Olexandr Sushkov (Ukraine) and Arturas Pribusauskas became the owners of Jawbone UP! fitness bracelets.
Don't miss your chance! Join the Fantasy League!